TNT (Cargo-pasajeros) aceptan c.v. para TCPs .No se si tienen bases fuera de BelgicaSuerte !

Tema creado por SOLANDER el 28/02/2010 16:39
2 respuestas
Respuesta de SOLANDER el 28/02/2010 16:39

Hay que entrar en su site,ir a careers Y rellenar el application ! Suerte a todos !

TNT Passengers Operations

TNT operates 4 passengers A/C ( 2 B737 and 2 Bae 146 )

Operated flights are mainly charter flights for different T/O ( Club Med, Thomas cook, Interconfort ect… )

In addition we also perform AD Hoc fligths on behaf of large corporations or companies for special events or trade fairs for example.

Our CCM are all qualified on both A/C type and flights are performed as well out of Brussels as out of Liège airports to several European destinations around the Mediterranean sea.

Actually our CCM team is composed of about 60 persons.

Most of them are working with a CDD contract for the summer period going on from April till the end of October.

During winter time all our CCM have the opportunity to perform flights as free lance.

Passengers travelling with TNT can expect a full quality service during their flight.

A free meal service is provided on each flight and our aim is that passengers should see our service as the friendliest and the most efficient.

Respuesta de skystar el 02/03/2010 10:56

Base Lieja. En invierno suelen volar en fin de semana. Los aviones son QC y por lo tanto cuando no se utilizan como cargueros les ponen asientos y a volar «carga humana».

Un saludo y suerte para l@s español@s que cojan. Sería raro ver a un español en TNT Airways.