Where to find questions bank for PPL(H)

Tema creado por a1000296 el 16/01/2020 12:09

Hi everyone,

I think I found out these website too late.

I have failed 2 times already..

I saw that on https://www.extracrew.com/forums/topic/las-preguntas-que-nos-han-salido-en-ppl/
there are a lot of questions there.

However, I am trying to find the one for PPL (H). I know some are similar, but Principle of Flight for helicopter is very different than those questions from the link.

Therefore, I would like to know if there is any website I can find question bank for PPL(H).

Btw, I am taking tests in Madrid.

Thanks again

5 respuestas
Respuesta de deivid123 el 10/02/2020 16:43

there is nothing of principle in PPL H, you can use Aviation Exam in CPL (H) that there you have all the possible questions

Respuesta de halcon-1 el 11/02/2020 09:47

Hi deivid123, can you share the questions?

Respuesta de Abby el 11/02/2020 12:01


I also just failed Principles of flight for the second time for PPL (H) in Madrid. I’ve studied for weeks Aviation Exam and still can’t make it. If you find anything let me know or feel free to connect with me to share what we’ve seen in the exams. Here is my email abiher5@gmail.com


Respuesta de a1000296 el 11/02/2020 14:19

Abby check your email!

Halcon, are you taking PPL(H) also?

Respuesta de deivid123 el 31/05/2020 16:20

I studied principles of Flight in Spanish