Link Oferta..para aquellos a quienes les pueda interesar:
Aircraft P-68
Position Pilot
Pay Details via conversation
Experience Required 500 TT, >200 hours Multi engine;
familiar with light twin, P-68;
Pilot Licence & Docs Required CPL+IR+ME;
How to Apply e-Mail
Contact Toms Matisons, aerial thermography specialist;
Posting Date 2010/03/11
Notes Need pilot with TT >500 h and >200 h on multi engine aircraft as PIC.
CPL+ME+IR+ night rating! (preferable).
Flying for aerial scanning in Lithuania with P-68, for 40 flight hours
Acabo de ver que ya han quitado la oferta en el link…pero al menos copié y pegué toda la info…asi que podeis enviar el CV. Ha durado unas horas…que fuerte. A ver si os enterais de ofertas del B737 CL para mi.