Relatos que muestran la situación actual

Tema creado por pajaro el 04/04/2010 10:22
4 respuestas
Respuesta de pajaro el 04/04/2010 10:22

Traductor para el que no lo entienda muy bien:

Respuesta de pajaro el 04/04/2010 10:27

El enlace parece que no va bien. Lo copio y pego

So where are all the jobs then, f*****ed if I know?
Spend 40 grand and put my heart and soul into getting my flight training done, first time passes on all tests and exams.
Spend the last 6 months of my life putting my heart and soul into sending out CVs filling in online forms, phoning up airlines, chasing any kind of faint job opportunity and what do I have to show for it, nothing. Complete waste of time. Not so much of an interview.
Yet I have stood and witnessed numerous people getting jobs because of who their father is within weeks of finishing training. Do they deserve it any more than me?

Is there any other industry where people trying to get their foot on the ladder have to go through so much demoralising crap, the longer they go without work the more they will get overlooked due to their currency dwindling and ratings lapsing? Where people stand still and watch their peers going places and building lives whilst theirs stagnates and rots?
At this moment in time if I could go back two years and not get into this stinking situation in the first place, I would do so with pleasure. Attempting to become an airline pilot thus far feels like the biggest mistake I have ever made. But I will not give up now that I have come this far. I will never surrender (at least for the time being) and maybe one day this disgusting situation will resolve itself. Right now my anger is driving me on to keep on trying. Sooner or later however the time may come to call it a bad job and get on with life, as many do.

Im sorry if this sounds discouraging to other wannabes but I feel that there are too many on this forum who have an unjustified optimism with respect to getting their first job. I was one such person. I went into this whole thing blind and foolish, thinking «ill be alright, ill be one of the lucky ones» etc etc, foolish thoughts.

Ive no doubt this post will be met with the usual:
«well if thats yer attitude then u dont deserve a job……»
«keep on trying, and one day something will happen……..»
etc…., say what u like

Respuesta de Anónimo el 04/04/2010 15:11

Spend the last 6 months of my life putting my heart and soul into sending out CVs filling in online forms, phoning up airlines, chasing any kind of faint job opportunity and what do

Tiempo perdido, si tiene dinero que se compre un Embrarer Phenom 100 y que se divierta en volar horas de turbina si no que se ponga el alma en paz y busque un trabajo diferente. Por lo meno hasta 2013 será dificil que la cosa remonte con una cierta claridad.

Respuesta de abcd el 04/04/2010 17:08